Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wasatch Back Relay 2009

First off, I forgot my camera so I am waiting for someone to email some cool pics so check back again for a more complete update. The race this year was AWESOME!!!! I can't tell you people how amazing this race is. Even if I did, you can't comprehend it until you see it. It starts in the mountains in Logan, Utah and ends in Park City, Utah. You run on a team of 12 each taking 3 legs of the journey and run all day and all night over and over for 188 miles through the Wasatch Mountains. My three legs totaled over 16 miles. I was nervous about it because I only started training back in April but I made it and all the pain of running was worth it. We had so much fun in our van, laughing and teasing and making life long memories with good friends. My first leg was only 3.8 miles but I started off bad. I thought "what am I doing here? I am going to be miserable" I still finished it and figured it was probably the yucky energy drink I had before starting. My second leg was KILLER and I rocked it!!! I had to run at 1 a.m. and it was 7.2 miles long. I was on FIRE. I have never felt so good running in my life. I finished in 1hr. flat which isn't marthon pace or anything but for me was a personal best. My last leg was 6.4 miles and I have to say, I was questioning mine and others sanity for choosing to run this race at this point. The rain and wind right in my face was not pleasant and all I could do was just put my head down and run. I told Nate, "tell my children I love them if I don't make it" ha ha. Even with the last run being crappy I still loved every minute. Theres nothing like going without sleep, eating power bar and gatorade, being sweaty and stinky with 5 close friends(if we weren't close before, we definately are now)in a van, for 2 days. I can't wait to do it again and the best part is, Nate is totally going to start running with me and train to do it next year. For those of you who don't know Nate, he hates running and while he was just the van drivers this year, he was so inspired and in awe of the whole expirience, he wants to do it. I'm telling you it is the BEST!!!


The Buhrley Bunch said...

You (and all the other Ragnar Chickies in the neighborhood) ROCK!!! I can't believe how awesome you gals are.

Traciannee said...

Oh man I wish wish wish I would have done it, but my family couldn't have gotten better with out me. You are so awesome and Please let me know if you need me next year. I loved it last year and am glad to hear you loved it and rocked it!
Make sure you stick that Ragnar sticker on your car and drive proud!

Kat said...

I'm glad it went well for you and that you had a good time. We'll see if Nate really starts training...

the artist's daughter said...

you are awesome! i'm pretty much going to have to take your word for it though!(:

Evans Fam said...

WOW!!! I am totally impressed! I have always wanted to do that, but never got around to it...maybe in the future! Way to go!

Unknown said...

I must admit i felt alittle left out when they all crossed the finish line. so..i'm gunna try it next year. i saw a few people that were running it and if they can do it so can i!! Prop's to katie for killing it. i was turned on at one point but we won't get into that here...Good job hottie!

Reeses Pieces said...

Everyone did this. I've read so many blogs this week and they all say how it's such a wonderful experience. I'm sure once you're up there running it's pretty amazing, especially with the surrounding. Great job on such an accomplishment!

Julie said...

FUN! Are we gonna be on the same team next year???