Tuesday, January 13, 2009


One frightful scare, a trip to the ER, blood tests, urine tests, 2 doctor visits, an EEG at primary childrens, an apnea sleep monitor and 2 prescriptions later and we have a Winner.....Acid Reflux! Last week our little Whit gave us and all our family quite a scare. I have known he spits up a bit more than is normal but I kept just thinking it was not a big deal and he would grow out of it but this was not the case. He was in his swing and I was on the bed and I heard him making a gagging sound so I went over to him to get him and he immeditatly stiffend straight and arched back. He wasn't breathing at all and started to turn purple. I yelled to Nate and between both of us we tried to suction out his mouth with that little bulb. He got his breathe back after what seemed like an eternity (probably less than a minute). His color was still off, kind of a white ish blue color. We didn't know what had just happend but we weren't going to chance anything. We thought it might have been a seizure so we took him to the ER. By the time we got there he was acting fine but they still had to run him through all the tests, which all came back normal. I took him to the pediatrician the next day and explained everything to her and she didn't think it was a seizure but needed tests just to make sure. So off to primary childrens to have an EEG, which we found out today was totally normal. What probably happend was he choked on his spit up and couldn't catch his breathe. Silent Acid Reflux is when he spits up but then tries to swallow it back down so he gags. I'm just glad I was in the room when it happend. I don't even like to think what could have happend which is why he now has to sleep with a monitor to make sure this doesn't happen again.The meds he is now taking are working like a charm. He can now sleep flat on his back without fussing and I don't need to feed him every other hour. I just wish I would have taken my first instincts to heart and had him checked for reflux weeks ago instead of waiting. Thanks to all those family members who said prayers in our behalf and for all the love and concern. I hope we are now on our way to sleeping better and growing up happy and healthy!


the artist's daughter said...

I have so been through that soooo scary!!! I'm so glad that everything is ok.

Cathy said...

How scary! I'm so sorry you had to go through that! Jaymison used to hold her breath, but one time she did it and then didn't start breathing again until the paramedics got there! But a teeny,tiny baby??? That seems so much worse!!! I'm glad that he's ok, now and that the meds are working!

Cori said...

Madi had to be on a monitor and we had to learn cpr before we could bring her home from the hospital. It is so scary! Wait until you have to turn the monitor back in! That was SO HARD to know that you are on your own.
Glad things are good. He is gorgeous!

The Buhrley Bunch said...

Geez Louise! Having an infant can be so scary, but I'm glad everything is fine! There's never a dull moment with a little one. I'm glad the meds are working. He'll be so happy now.

Kat said...

I felt sick for days when i heard the news, I'm so glad Whitmans okay. Hopefully he will be much happier and sleep alot more because a happy baby makes a halppy mommy!!!

Reeses Pieces said...

Wow, I'm glad to hear things are better. It's kind of a replay of Natalie's situation with Collin. Hopefully it's a one time deal though. Glad things are better.

natalie said...

Gosh-there's nothing scarier, trust me I know. It seems as though time stands still when that stuff happens. I'm so glad he's okay. It's amazing that we are able to raise our children without killing them in the process. I mean really, because they aren't sent with any sort of instructions and we just do it. Now, I;m going to Brad's post!