Friday, November 21, 2008


So I saw the show today and I have heard a few reviews from people who thought is was silly but I have to disagree. Call me simple, or lame but remember I haven't been out of the house for over a month. I totally loved it and am going to go again with Nate. I thought it followed the book almost exactly. I hate when they change things from book to movie. I wasn't crazy about who they cast at first but by the end of the show I was totally convinced, well all but Carlisle. I had him pictured as an older father like figure but that was my own fault because he really is only in his thirties so it took me off guard when I saw him. My only other thing is that I wish they could have spent a little more time developing the love story. I feel like it was rushed. Other than that I loved it and can't wait for them to make the others. I even think I might go back and re-read the series. I know, I'm a dork. Tell me what you think when you see it. I can't wait to see if I'm the only person easily entertained these days.


Kat said...

You're AMAZING!!! I can't believe you're already getting out. Sorry I haven't been in touch since I saw you at the hospital, I've had a cold and I just can't kick it. Bridger's been asking to see Whitman, he can't wait to meet his new cousin.

Naomi said...

Well, if we are going to talk about dorks it would be me! I dragged Chad to it at 10 am in the morning on Friday since he had no school that day! What a good husband. Tee Hee! We really liked it. I loved that it followed the book but would have loved more of the history of the vampires in the movie. The movie didn't really do that at all. Chad reminded me that when making a movie they really have to be picky about what they use or the movie would be forever long, really that would be ok with me! LOL. I didn't like who they cast for Edward, loved who they cast for Bella and Jacob. Jasper looked a little freakier than I wanted him too. Not too sure why they portrayed him that way. Perfect casting for Victoria and James. Oooooops, sorry for the long post! So, all in all I really liked it and would probably go again. Chad I think it was a one time deal for him. He, on the other hand, was very happy they didn't drag out the love story. I'm with you, it could have been developed a little more.

Reeses Pieces said...

I'm one of the only people who hasn't read it, so I may love it even more because I don't know what to compare it to. I figure I'll go when it dies down.

By the way GO UTES! LOL

Katie said...

I just saw this movie the other night with the girls. I have not read any of the book but I started reading the first one last night because I loved the movie so much. I'm with you, I didn't think it was lame or cheezy like some other people did but, hello, I dont' get out much either. :) I could use a little fun fantasy in my life.